Defining Success: Spoken Words

Defining Success: Spoken Words

How do you define SUCCESS?? Do you define it by the shiny cars you drive? Or maybe it’s define by the fast pace way you live. Stripper poles, I wonder do Santa got those up north?.

Flash, Flash look at my cash they say. But call for help and I don’t hear em for days. WTF??
You a leader, I’m a leader, they a leader, even flying pigs call themselves leaders, Huh don’t forget the question mark.
Cuz the only time you’ll ever see those leader cry is in the dark.

They pour their Henny in champagne glasses, this the kind of sh*t they didn’t teach you in those college classes. Pocket full of debt but hey just stay focus on that picture of house well kept.

Fake it, till you make it. Got that? No, well it goes like this if you believe it, then you can’t fake it. Right?

Let’s give it up to miss, miss got 3 kids and she’s doing her thing on minim wage.
Works 40 plus hour just to make rent, she don’t think of as jail but I think of it as cage.
Trapped day in and out no mater how much you work, you’re never moving up right.

Red pill or green pill you made the choice, didn’t get that reference then check out the matrix later on tonight.

Funny how your excuses are bigger than the problem at hand,
your so busy looking through a compressed vision.
You can’t see the solution even though it’s right in front of your tunneled vision.

Hey I’m not here to judge you, not even waste my time trying to understanding you. Just trying to figure out how you define success?
That’s it nothing less.

By: Casthra Demosthene 12/26/2013 (contact before use)